How to add Google Site Search for Blogger

How to add Google Site Search for Blogger

Updated on 17 May

Google Site Search

On some websites like they are having a search form which search the term that you enter in Google search results and show the Google search results.

This is very best method to get traffic and rank your posts high in Google if you have knowledge about SEO then you will also know that CTR matters CTR means click through rate it means that how much clicks your post gets in Google search results.

By default the search system is provided by blogger and your posts are searched on your blog but you can also customise that search system and make Google site search form your blogger blog.

This Google site search form will work as when someone enters any keyword in that form then the search will be made by the Google search engine and posts are shown as Google results and user can enter your post through Google reference.

So if you want Google site search form in your blogger blog just follow the steps provided below its very simple to do that.

Google Site Search

If you want to see the demo go to

Google Site Search

Steps to add Google Site Search form in Blogger:

  1. Go To Blogger Dashboard
  2. Then Go to Layout
  3. Click Add New Widget Button
  4. Select HTML / Javascript widget
  5. Copy the code provided below and paste it as widget content.
  6. Google Site Search

    <div itemprop='mainEntity' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>
    <link expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' itemprop='url'/> 
    <form action='' id='search-wrapper' itemprop='potentialAction' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='' method='get' target='_blank'>
    <meta content='{q}' itemprop='target'/> 
    <input name='cof' type='hidden' value='FORID:10 '/> 
    <input name='ie' type='hidden' value='ISO-8859-1'/> 
    <input class='search-form' itemprop='query-input 'name='q' placeholder='Search here' required='required' type='search' /> 
    <input expr:value='data:blog.homepageUrl' name='as_sitesearch' type='hidden' />
    <button class='search-button' title='Search' type='submit'>SEARCH</button> 

    Google Site Search

  7. Save Widget.

you are old and you don't have to customise anything I hope this tutorial help you.

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